Jason T Clark

Jason T Clark

Read. Interpret. Apply.

© 2020

189 Days. :-(

189 Days. 189 Days since my last blog post. That sucks. At this point, I almost think that my blog should be about sustained procrastination, poor time management, and how not to dedicate yourself to your personal goals.

Life gets in the way. It’s my convenient, always reliable, go-to excuse. The key is to not let that happen. With the end of 1Q2020 fast approaching, come hell or high water, I have to figure out how to dedicate 60 mins a day to writing code. When I say writing code, I don’t mean blogging about it, but actually writing code. It should basically go like this: pick a time, set a timer, and code until the timer goes off. Hopefully it is as simple as that. Now, I have to consider my schedule. At this point in my life, my mornings are full. Unless I get up well before daybreak, I won’t be able to pull off having a morning coding session. The best time to probably sneak in an hour of coding is sometime after dinner but before bed. I’m thinking that the 8:00PM hour should work, so I’ll give it a try tonight. Yes, TONIGHT.

The good news is that my last post, the “GoLang Learning Path” post- that is still valid. I will probably find more learning resources, but I don’t think that I can go wrong by starting with the Udemy courses previously purchased. Let’s see if this sticks, or if there’s going to be yet another 100+ days before I’m complaining about myself once more.

Wish me luck.